Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Puerto Rico Vacation

I just got back from a 9 day vacation over the holidays with my family in Puerto Rico. I'll admit that im glad to be home....the mosqitos and 90 degree heat everyday, not to mention the loud rooster at 5am, was starting to get a little old. But i managed to put in a really solid run week of 39 miles with some speedwork on tuesday and a 12mile long run on sunday(practically melted in the heat). I also got to practice some of my spanish which was a little rusty from under use. We visited old San Juan, the National Carribean Forest (El Yunque), and some spectacular beaches with warm clear water. The highlight of the trip, for me anyway, was not the beaches or the history of the place but a friday night in some local club with my cousins...Definently had a blast.

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