Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Sponsor!

Mix 1 has joined my team, and is now my official nutrition sponsor! I am very excited about this opportunity because after having some sub-par races at the end of last season due to nutrition, I now have a great product to keep me fueled and performing at my best. I really believe that triathlon is four sports, swim, bike, run, and nutrition, and training all four is the best way to become successful. Mix 1 is a natural protein drink that I will use to recover from all of my workouts. The most optimum time to intake protein for an athlete is within 30min after exercising and this is sometimes made difficult by other nutrition products in having to make the drink with powder and such, but Mix 1 comes in a bottle and is easy to bring along and makes it even easier to intake within that optimal 30 minute period.

I look forward to the 2011 triathlon season, which will begin in March, and working with Mix 1 to achieve my goals of making the U23 world team and overall performing to the best of my abilities at every race!

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